
Video: Put Your Drinks Up!

News: Put Your Drinks Up!
Mon, 25 Jun 2012 18:00
News: Put Your Drinks Up!
The small Downville family is having downtime with drinks and games.

Nafe taught the Housemates an interesting card game which involved a lot of role playing and alcohol drinking. We all know what happens in this House when the drinks start flowing; if it's not the Head of House passing out all day, it's arguments or little princess aka Jannettehanging herself all over the place and telling anyone who cares to listen where to get off.

The Downvillers lined their spirits on the table and the game began. The main rule of the card game they were playing was that for every penalty, you take two shots of alcohol.

So, the Housemate with the most errors will be the most intoxicated at the end of the game. In just a few hours, we could have a House of intoxicated residents.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 22:28. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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