
News: A Clucking Good Time

News: A Clucking Good Time
The sounds of clucking echoed throughout Downville this evening. Was this part of some elaborate prank by Big Brother which included letting loose farm animals inside the House? Nope, it is actually the rowdy Housemates of Downville enjoying a fun night of hard drinking.

The Downvillers have spent the evening gathered in the kitchen playing drinking games together. One of the games that the Housemates played involved all of them having to get up off their seats and make a circle around their eyes with their fingers while taking turns to cluck like chickens and the person that misses their turn to cluck or clucks when someone else is supposed to, has to down a shot.

The other game that they played called upon one Housemate to start a sentence with the words: “A ship came in …” Clearly the increasing amounts of alcohol in their systems has made the StarGamers become nostalgic as halfway through the evening they starting making toasts to their exited Housemates. “A ship came in with 28 awesome Housemates. A toast to each of them starting with Ola,” said JannetteTalia followed up with a toast to her man Seydou.

For the rest of the night the Housemates have been laughing and having good time while enjoying their games. How amusing are these Downvillers, you can always count on them to make their own fun.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 08:55. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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