
News: What’s Eating Prezzo?

News: What’s Eating Prezzo?
While the other tipsy Housemates of Upville have been in high spirits, for most of the eveningPrezzo has been like a wet blanket.

When an energetic Keitta got up and started singing merrily, the Kenyan kept on interjecting to correct the Ghanaian on the lyrics. The more Keitta tried to enjoy himself and sing care freely the more the rapper became visibly irritated and sniped at him, “If you don’t know the lyrics then just let it go.” Jeez, Prezzo it's not that serious just let the boy have fun.

This was not the first snarky comment that Prezzo fired in Keitta’s direction today. The Kenyan also nit-picked at the Ghanaian’s accent and he kept on calling him a foolish boy, it could be that the rapper was joking but from the emotionless look on his face it did not seem like it. Fortunately the peace-loving Keitta has chosen to pay no attention to these comments and rather just laugh it off.

Prezzo is usually someone that enjoys storytelling and joking around but for most of this evening he has had little to say, choosing rather to just keep drinking. Even when jokes were being cracked he barely even managed to muster a smile. Even as Keagan let out his inner prankster earlier on the rapper did not even bat an eyelid.

Could yesterday's fight with Goldie be the reason that Prezzo is in a funk today?

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 22:28. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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