
News: What's Eating Goldie?

News: What's Eating Goldie?
Goldie has been a bit under the weather this morning, what could be the problem?

Her man Prezzo seems to be certain of what's bothering his missy as he comforted her in the garden when it looked like she was crying.

"Don't be upset. Everything will be okay and we can enjoy the wine later," Prezzo said to his gloomy girl. He then changed the subject and asked her to help him prepare a menu for the Coca-Cola lunch. Prezzo and Keagan have been tasked with cooking a special African meal for the Upvillers to enjoy with their Coca-Cola.

Goldie suggested that Prezzo cooks pasta and he seemed confident with her choice.

Watch her

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 14:03. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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