
News:Zambian sisters had an emotional heart to heart

Daybreak: Blood Is Thicker…
As the saying goes blood is thicker than water, these words could not ring any truer then when it comes to Tamara and Talia.

In the wee hours of the morning the both sisters became extremely emotional as they stayed up late having a heart to heart session and it looked like both fiery Zambian dames were finally ready to bury the hatchet after spending most of week feuding. “Maybe I have created a wall because of everything that I have been through,” whimpered a crying Tamara. “I have been trying to break through that wall,” retorted Talia while also crying.

Over the past few days both sisters have played the blame game as Tamara accused her sister of neglecting her and only caring about making it into Upville. Meanwhile Talia blamed their fallout out on Tamara’s control issues and her resistance to accept her younger sister’s new found sense of independence.

Yesterday the quarrelling between the two escalated to the point that Biggie had to step in and have the pair
separated. Tamara seemed to have washed her hands off her younger sister as she declared to Big Brother: "If she wins this money, she can have it. I don't want a cent of it."

Just when it looked like there was no hope that the sibling rivalry would end Talia and Tamara’s have broken new ground in their relationship and are finally moving forward.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 10:27. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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