
Video:Lady May and her crazy antics made their way into Downville this morning.

News: Crazy Lady in Downville
Lady May and her crazy antics made their way into Downville this morning.

Still dressed in the Afro wig from yesterday the Namibian's hologram put on quite the spectacle and sang half of her speech to the half sleepy Downville Housemates.

The singer tried to entice the Downvillers by bragging to them that in Upville there is “lots and lots of sushi and champagne from Big Brother”. Lot’s, really Lady May? Talk about exaggeration. The songbird also boasted about her recent reward where she watched a movie with Goldiesaying: “Here I watch movies and get to share the experience with my good friend.”

Throughout the entire bragging session most of the Downville Housemates seemed a bit irritated and complained about being woken up early in the cold weather.

The songstress then exercised her vocal muscles once more by singing: “Downville, Downville, Downville how much do you wanna come to Upville.” She then blew a kiss right before her hologram faded out.

Wow talk about a grand exit. You can always count on Lady May to turn any occasion into a show.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 13:41. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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