
Blog: Is It Too Late For Keitta To Realise?

To those who watched the Big Brother show yesterday and heard the words that came from Keitta  I believe you must be asking yourselves alot of questions in your hearts.
Nothing good came from the Ghanaian mouth as he  was describing the guys (Roki and Prezzo) he had started hanging out with. Keitta described Prezzo and Roki saying that these two people combined together were evil and wanted nothing good for him. Keitta added that he had found peace in his friendship with the girls but this seemed to have not appeased Roki and Prezzo therefore everytime Keitta could meet these two guys for a manly talk, they  could just discourage  his relationship with the girls. Keitta adds that these guys could frequently advise  him to quit the girly way of life and start behaving like a man.
What hurts the Ghanaian most is that the people who were  abashing him from the girls telling him to get close to them, were not open to him as they were to themselves.” They used to hide alot from me coz whenever I was approaching them, they  could change the topic and raise something stupid …..they think am stupid.”Keitta said.
To take you back,Keitta in one of his Diary Room sessions, he told Biggie that he was associating with the girlsManeta and Barbz because Maneta was in his age bracket and former Housemate in Downville thus  share alot in common and for Barbz , he  said that she is a model just like him and therefore the two had  alot to talk about.Keitta also said that the girls were open to him more than anybody in the House.”I find it hard to associate with Prezzo because he spends most of his time with  Goldie……hmm…..Lady May and Roki look to be reserved., that’s why I found the girls.” Keitta emphasised.   Basing on these reasons Keitta concluded that the girls were the best friends  he had got in the house.
A couple of days later, Keitta linked with the boys who ill talked of his new friends and and finally he(Keitta) got fed up of them(Girls). The next thing we saw was the dude putting his ‘best friends’ up for possible eviction which was the last thing expected out of him. Could it be Prezzo and Roki  that told him to get rid of these ‘evil friends’ or it was out of his conscious mind?
The following days we spotted Keitta hanging with the boys and we confirmed that the dude was now on the guys’ side…………It was shocking yesterday to find out that the same dude found loose ends in the new friends(boys) he had got though one was already gone. According to the words said by Keitta yesterday, it looked like  he was regreting why he betrayed his ‘girl-friends’  especially Barbz who is now with him and looks to be a real friend.
Remember Keitta is in this state of contradiction just a few days or hours to the eviction day and he is battling with the same person he betrayed.
Here we have to ask ourselves; Was it Keitta’s fault to listen to the boys’ words or he did what was right for him?
Will Keitta be happy if Barbz is evicted?………………….because he contributed to her exit.
Is it too late for him to realise his mistakes or he can still change and re-befriend Barbz genuinely?

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 12:17. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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