
Who Deserved To Be Disqualifed, Roki or Maneta?…… DKB or Zainab?

This Big Brother Stargame has been full of surprises, Characterized by voluntary exits and disqualification which seem to have have cost alot to the  of the Housemates’fans, their countries  and the fans of the game generally.
Earlier on we first saw  the  Nigerian team of Ola and Chris taking a voluntary exit which  hurt alot of  people. We were then surprised to see Esperanca forcing her partner Seydou taking Angola out of the game.
Voluntary exits looked to be not a big case to consider. A scandal came when disqualifications were introduced in the game. We first saw DKB and Zainab kicked out of the House and just yesterday the two Zimbabwean representatives followed suit.
Complaints have been raised amongst the fans and viewers saying that Biggie was too harsh, the Housemates didn’t deserve this  punishment.As others were on on both sides of the disqualified Housemates, others were blaming only one Housemate for being the  root cause for the scandal.
For yesterday’s saga, most people were putting the blame on Maneta saying that she caused her country mate disqualified because for her had  had not to lose as she was already put on the chopping block. But to critically look at the issue, both took apart to blame.
After Maneta refused to go by Roki‘s  romantic relationship request with him, the two become apart and and no one of the two wanted to smell of the other even from a distance.
Later on when nominations struck, we saw Roki putting his countrymate up for possible eviction meaning that he wanted her to go home then. A day to eviction, the two looked as if  had made up but it wasn’t true.The following nominations, we saw Maneta revenging and Put Roki on the chopping block too. Since then the two have been going at each other.
Yesterday , it was  Roki who started the  considerable provocation when he poured water over Maneta’s head. In self defense and revenge, Maneta looked for the cleaning liquid and too pored it in Roki’s face.
As Big Brother condemns violence, they had both to face the punishment because they could something to stop this from happening.Therefore, this means that both were responsible for their disqualification and take a part to blame.

Posted by Big brother Afrika on 11:26. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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